
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How to Stop Time

Sit at a football 48 degree temps...with a headwind blowing...on metal bleachers...while underdressed...

The Husband and I have decided we are going to start timing everything from here on out in football minutes. As in, "Dinner will be ready in 7 football minutes." --Or 20 minutes in real time.

"I was 20 football minutes late for work this morning." --45 real minutes.

It's the way time should run, don't you think?

Pic is from that football game we went to that made time stand still.


Unknown said...

I have a football minutes story to pass along to you at some point - it only concerned me proposing to my future wife. At a football game. On a cold day. In a quarter that would NOT end...

Unknown said...

I didn't think I was unknown - it's me - TDD!

Lola Takes Pictures said...

Okay I can't wait to hear this one!